Home Remedies app is the complete guide of Ayurvedic Home made Remedies(Daadi ma ke Nuskhe - home made medicines) in english and hindi language. The application works totally in offline mode(No need of internet connection).
In the Home Remedy app the diseases are divided in to 30 categories and each category contains its related diseases. There are about 600 diseases and more then 15,000 remedies for those diseases. The application contains search and bookmark features.
Features of Application:
- Introduction, Causes, Sympotoms and list home(ayurvedic) remedies of a disease
- Search diseases
- Bookmark Diseases
- Choose language(Hindi or English)
- Share remedy(Facebook, SMS, Email etc.)
家庭疗法的应用程序是阿育吠陀主页完整的指南作出补救(Daadi马柯Nuskhe - 国产药)用英语和印地文的语言。该应用程序在离线模式下(不需要互联网连接)的作品完全。
- 简介,成因,Sympotoms和疾病的家庭名单(草药)的补救措施
- 查询疾病
- 书签疾病
- 选择语言(印地文或英文)
- 分享补救(脸谱,短信,电子邮件等)